Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally-- We are a Part of the Blogging World

Las Vegas Temple- May 31, 2008
Time sure does fly. Tom and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary in May.  We are so blessed to have a beautiful baby boy.  Adam really is an amazing kid.  There is something truly special about him.  He makes us laugh so hard and has a constant smile on his face. Don't get me wrong, he knows what he wants and will let you know.  And he is just like mommy if he gets tired or hungry.  He is almost 9 months old already and is so dang cute.  Starting to walk already and he waves bye-bye, etc.  I want to start blogging so that i can keep a better record of these things, so here i go...
Adam Michael's FIRST picture ever (7lbs 3oz) 11/18/09
Our family consists of 3 now!  Tom just got a new job marketing for Compassion Care.  We are very excited about it. He starts on Monday.  What a blessing-- no more plumbing.  He will continue to work Valet, which is where he is right now.  I miss him so much and can never sleep good until he is home.  I still am working for Dr. Thalgott and loving it.  But I do wish I could stay home with Adam, work just isn't the same now that I'm a Mom.  I will figure this out and try to blog more.

1 comment:

Kirk and Dynelle said...

Thanks for doing my dishes last night! We had a lot of fun with you guys, we should do it again soon!